Monday, November 23, 2009

This Week on the MedicCast: Deep Vein Thrombosis

The MedicCast

Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) refers to a blood clot embedded in one of the major deep veins of the lower legs, thighs, or pelvis. If left untreated, the clot may dislodge from the vein and travel to the lungs resulting to a condition called pulmonary embolism. Physical symptoms of DVT may mimic the symptoms of trauma or injury to the area. To be able to identify the presence of DVT, paramedics should exercise their assessment and critical thinking skills. In this week's episode of the MedicCast, the podmedic discusses emergency assessment and management of deep vein thrombosis as well as the latest news in EMS and included links to resources for future studies or reference.

Listen to DVT episode.mp3

See DVT episode shownotes
The MedicCast is a weekly show for students and professionals in emergency medicine
featuring news, products, reviews, comments, interviews, tips, tricks and more. The MedicCast is a proud member of the Promed podcast network.

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